Biffa volunteers join Cornwall beach clean
Biffa volunteers rolled up their sleeves to help remove 35kg of waste from one of Cornwall's most picturesque beaches.
More than 50 residents and workers from various organisations took part in the community litter pick at Crantock Beach near Newquay.
The event was organised by independent pub company Punch Pubs & Co, Cornish brewery Sharp's, and Biffa, the UK leader in sustainable waste management. Also, check out some of our top tips for effective festival waste management if your looking to enhance your festival experience while ensuring a greener footprint.
Recyclable waste, including plastic bottles, glass bottles, metal cans and paper, was put back into the circular economy to be transformed into new products, while non-recyclable general waste was sent to an energy-from-waste facility to be converted into electricity.
Liam Woods, Corporate Account Manager, Biffa, who took part in the litter pick, said: “We take great pride in supporting local sustainability projects and we’re thrilled to have worked alongside Punch in the Crantock Community Beach Clean, helping to ensure our wonderful coastline is protected for the enjoyment of everyone. Our collaboration aims not only to preserve the natural beauty of the coastline, but also to reduce carbon emissions by recycling as much waste as possible through our extensive recycling capabilities."
Punch is now hoping to broaden the clean-up initiative across the UK, clearing up more beaches, woodlands and rivers, to protect the environment and reduce litter.Clive Chesser, Chief Executive Officer, Punch Pubs & Co, who also took part, said: “I’m incredibly proud of what the team has achieved and want to say a huge thank you to all of the people who not only took part, but who also worked hard to make the event happen. This is a fantastic example of communities and our industry coming together to ensure greater awareness of the causes and consequences of marine litter.
“Sustainability has become an area of increasing focus at Punch and reflects our position as a modern, progressive pub company. We have many exciting projects underway as we continue to help drive changes in this space and commit to a better world.”